Come and check out our smoking shroomies! These unique incense burners have been a real hit at the markets. I am delighted to be bringing these to the store for you to purchase online.
These cute little shroomie smokers use incense cones underneath, which creates the beautiful smoking chimney effect.

Grab yourself one of these unique incense burners as a gift for a love one or for yourself! Why not start a collection of shroomies? These make great additions to the living spaces or outside. Many customers have been buying these to go in there fairy gardens… whatever the reason, these shroomies are a great addition to your home/garden!

These little guys come in various colours! You can chose between red, blue or orange underglaze with white glazed dots in a true mushroom design, OR glazed mushroom tops! The glazed shroomies come in a turquoise, rutile, pink or lilac.

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